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斩天地,破苍穹,我“御”为天! 啊!!我堂堂少族长!岂能受如此大辱!待我有实力之后定要灭你全家,且看主角如何成为天玄大陆巅峰人物 玄幻变强从屈辱开始

温如玉发现自己穿成了历史上的山阴公主刘楚玉,为了秉承家教,不改变历史走向,她竭力将自己伪装成她所学历史上山阴公主应有的模样:荒淫放荡,残暴弑杀,拥有三十面首,心悦诸渊而不得。可,当她终于把她认为她应当做的事情做完,最后向当上皇帝的刘子业要了三十面首,然后准备安心吃喝玩乐逛窑子(划掉)混吃等死时,却惊恐地发现,她的面首里面有个人叫做——容止!注:①双c,女主只是伪装荒淫,让世人认为她荒淫放荡。②作者怕虐,所以凤囚凰的小说和电视剧都只看了一点,但又很喜欢这个设定(公主和面首)。本文原剧(小说或电视剧)的情节较少(原剧太虐了,讨厌容止欺骗刘楚玉),只借了一下世界背景和人物设定,可能会虐容止(原剧里的他太讨厌了,忍不住…),人设会崩…… 犹恐相逢是梦中(凤囚凰同人)

我的丰功伟绩,值得浇铸于青铜器上,铭刻于大理石上,镌于木板上,永世长存。当我的这些事迹在世上流传之时,幸福之年代和幸福之世纪亦即到来。 ——塞万提斯 宋帆

开九窍,战流氓,泡美女,打造豪门。一步步走上人生巅峰,成就医道至尊。 九九归医

Living in a cold silence world, alone. Someone knows what they live for. most of people don’t. One thing i can be sure of is we all want a happy healthy life.so how to be healthy. Google it. There are millions of tips can teach you how to live a healthy life. But how to live happily. Not much people know the real answer. I am trying to collect some tips you can learn from it here. And i sincerely wish after you guys reading this book. You can be a little bit happier. After all this is not a joke book. You may feel a little bit depressed when you read it in your first time. But i believe after you read the whole book. When you live your own lives.you remind of some story in the book. I wish it can make you want to laugh in the deep heart. 冷暖世界warmthecoldworld

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