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前世的她被渣男贱女欺骗,落得一个身残失女的下场。今世的她要强大无比,绝不放过那些伤害过他的人,虐渣男贱女,她独得骄傲。 君墨天在她的骄傲时猛的将她拽在怀里,“女人,你很不错。” 她只是淡淡的看了他一眼,冷声道,“再不放开手我就废了它。” “你可以废了它,但我不会再放开你。” 重生之嫡女惊华

John Griffith “Jack” London (1876–1916) was an American author, journalist, and social activist. He was a pioneer in the then-burgeoning world of commercial magazine fiction and was one of the first fiction writers to obtain worldwide celebrity and a large fortune from his fiction alone. Some of his most famous works include The Call of the Wild and White Fang, both set in the Klondike Gold Rush, as well as the short stories “To Build a Fire”, “An Odyssey of the North”, and “Love of Life” . He also wrote of the South Pacific in such stories as “The Pearls of Parlay ” and “The Heathen ”, and of the San Francisco Bay area in The Sea Wolf .Often troubled by physical ailments, during his thirties London developed kidney disease of unknown origin. He died of renal failure on November 22, 1916 on the ranch. WHENTHEWORLDWASYOUNGBESTSHORTSTORIESOFJACKLONDON杰克·伦敦经典短篇小说(英文原版)

【权谋+女强+宫斗】 十二岁之前,秦安宁是养在深闺的天之娇女, 爹娘娇宠,哥哥疼爱,皇上身边的红人也敢鞭打斥责。 可一朝朝堂变换,为保家人她只身随母进京。 京城红墙黛瓦,娇女步步为营。 三年期满,再回到奉宁,却是敌破城门,父亲战死,兄长中毒。 娇雀惊枝,双翼上担负是大厦将倾的秦家,风雨飘摇的奉宁。 秦安宁盔甲加身,所向披靡。... 折娇

+++++++郁梨意外回到大学刚毕业,这会的她还没有因为自己的创业拖累家人背上一身债,既然重来,只想回农村老家种地请不要对作者进行写作指导 郁梨的农场生活

【穿越+有点虐+弱者为尊+改变世界】女主穿越到一个弱者为尊的异时空。弱者为尊?看我不揍的你满地找牙!强者只配为奴?那我就改变这一切!怪物?呵呵!又能耐我何?怪物来袭,慌了?不存在!强者才能占领一切!某王爷:沐沐,本王害怕,快到本王怀里来。沐沐:? 这不该是废柴的世界

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