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蒋鹤洲他妈每次在街上遇见姜听晚,回家之后就恨不得戳碎自家那个混世魔王的脊梁骨。瞧瞧别人家的孩子,漂亮乖巧,懂事大方,越瞧越喜欢;再看看她家里这货,不学无术,惹是生非,碍眼得一批。每当这时候,蒋鹤洲只云淡风轻地挑眉,一脸不在意。许多年后,蒋妈妈买菜回来,在楼道里撞见自家儿子怀里圈了个姑娘亲吻。小姑娘耳垂红红,侧颜精致,眼熟到让蒋妈妈手里的菜吓掉了一地。蒋鹤洲闻声把怀里人的小脑袋往自己胸膛一扣,唇角微勾。“别人家的孩子,现在是我的,我们家的。”鹤爷语录:变不成别人家的孩子,就把别人家的孩子叼回自己窝里 与你听晚风

FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White is summoned when another body is found dead in a self storage unit. There at first appears to be no connection between the cases; yet as Mackenzie digs deeper, she realizes it is the work of a serial killer—and that he will soon strike again.Mackenzie will be forced to enter the mind of a madman as she tries to understand a psyche obsessed with clutter, storage, and claustrophobic places. It is a dark place from which she fears she may not return—and yet one which she must probe if she has any chance of winning the game of cat and mouse that can save new victims.Even then, it may be too late. BeforeHeLongs

作为一只生在新种花,长在红旗下的猫妖,虽说无望飞升,但是阿狸对于自己目前的生活非常满意,哪知道,不过是追个球的功夫,她就穿越了,而这只是个开始……听着那一个个熟悉或者没听说过的名字,阿狸只想要仰天长叹:我只是一只小猫咪呀,为什么要我来承担这样的责任呢? [综穿]我只是一只小猫咪呀

不婚主义者温医生无意间救了个女人,这女人不光瞎,身世还可怜,上来就扒着温医生的胸肌不放手!温医生:“手感如何?”沈安柠:???温医生:“不如我们结婚,婚后随便你摸。”沈安柠:???于是温医生好人做到底,把人领回家当老婆…… 遇见温医生

作者第一次写,不怎么好,别喷(以烂尽完结) 封面侵权删 穿越在ut世界的那些事

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