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A virus has infected the Arlington, Virginia, home of the NERDS headquarters, and it’s much worse than your run-of-the-mill flu. Instead of coughing and sneezing, the victims of this voracious virus are transformed into superintelligent criminal masterminds. Soon nearly everyone—including some of the NERDS team—is plotting to take over the world. With more people breaking out into evil cackles every day, it’s up to Flinch, the hyperactive superspy with a sweet tooth, to stop the virus. Flinch will have to miniaturize himself and take a fantastic voyage through supervillain Heathcliff’s body to fight white blood cells, stomach acid, and a nest of nasty nanobytes in the hope that he can save the world from the Villain Virus. TheVillainVirus(NERDSBookFour)

简介:慕容凰如为了报杀父之仇辅佐东辰王沈凤亦登基。沈凤亦暗恋了她八年,在他篡位后,却突然以弑君的罪名将慕容凰如流放……后来沈,霓国开战,沈凤亦御驾亲征。在最后的对决中,他输了,敌国皇太女拿下面具,竟然是她! 与凰韶华

真实 活在封中

  拥有18万平方公里的领地和1枚十字金币,5银一名奴仆,10银一位侍卫,要美女还是要帅锅?  于是李不才从蛮荒时代的几名美女侍从开始,女儿村、女儿镇……  直到鲜花凋凌,决计改变现有的状况,结果……万国之王的争霸中,居然成为傲立与世的女儿国……  是天意还是巧合?也许是默许吧……  书友群:106126559... 领主游戏

写着玩的23333 自由的公主

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