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在一条偏僻的小巷子中,墨云身着便衣摸着藏在兜里的银色手铐,悄悄跟上了一个举止可疑的女人。 她今天的任务,便是将这份礼物送出去。 ”以常人的思路来判断,收到礼物应该是一件很开心的事情吧?“ 掏出手铐的墨... 送你一对银手镯不要不识好歹

O. Henry (1862-1910), Born William Sydney Porter, on September 11,1862, in Greensboro, North Carolina, he was the famous American short-story writer, who wrote under the pseudonym O. Henry,pioneered in picturing the lives of lower-class and middle-class New Yorkers.Porter attended school for a short time, then clerked in an uncle's drugstore. At the age of 20 he went to Texas, working first on a ranch and later as a bank teller. In 1887 he married and began to write freelance sketches. A few years later he founded a humorous weekly, the Rolling Stone . When this failed, he became a reporter and columnist on the Houston Post . THEVOICEOFTHECITYBESTSHORTSTORIESOFO.HENRY欧·亨利经典短篇小说(英文原版)

叮咚~你的男友已到帐~ 你将成为我的甜蜜女友,陪我一起斩妖、灭鬼、斗僵尸!经历各种惊险、刺激的冒险。 还在等什么,快点击阅读,签收你的道士男友吧~ 【致敬三叔】【致敬《盗墓笔记》】 我的道士男友

和渣男离婚养个小白脸,而小白脸的身份竟… 离婚后我回家继承家产了

叶铭偶然获得红警系统,从狂暴的一发不可收拾,穿梭土著文明两界,掠夺资源,售卖黑科技!  什么?你说我缺钱?呵呵,我随便研发的几个黑科技,就快成为世界首富了,你跟我提钱?我都不知道钱是什么东西。  什么?红警基地需要能量?简单,我这就派出百万雄师部队前往土著文明世界掠夺资源,什么黑科技武器全都给我派上去,红警所到之处,寸草不生!  PS:已完本200万精品《红警之科技帝国》 红警的黑科技帝国

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