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A hilarious and heartfelt series about the particular magic of summer camp—a place where reinvention is possible and friends are like family—from a sparkling debut talent.There's only one thing Melman loves more than soccer: her summers at Camp Rolling Hills. So she's pumped to be back—until she realizes her bunkmates have gone totally boy-crazy over the school year and plastered their cabin in pink.Pink posters, pink t-shirts...it seems that the only not-pink thing in the cabin is Melman herself. That is, until she's given a dare in front of the entire camp: wear a pink princess dress. For Three. Whole. Days. CrossingOver(CampRollingHills#2)

猎奇校园小说 死境

站在81年的阿富汗战场上,大胡子的姆哈马德一脸严肃,扛起了肩头的RPG。 T-62的碾压,雌鹿的轰炸,石勒河的咆哮,都不会让阿富汗游击队屈服!赶走苏联人,解放阿富汗!打败印度阿三,雄霸南亚! 一不小心,姆哈马德成了阿富汗的实权统治者,一不小心,姆哈马德被政变的军人推到了巴基斯坦总统的位置上,又是一不小心,姆哈马德把印度分割成了数块,只给阿三留下了个弹丸之地。就连美国人的 雄霸南亚

喻黄同人。高中时期设定。恭喜二位荣登荣耀高中通报批评光荣榜。黄少天:逃课去网吧打游戏多次被抓屡教不改予以警告。喻文州:多次帮助黄少天逃课予以警告。教导主任冯宪君不仅气,还很愁啊。文科学霸兼班长喻文州&理科学霸兼校霸黄少天。搞笑,甜。 暑假[喻黄]

若心本过的平凡生活被出轨所打破,没想到紧接着被继母亲爸逼走,交出财产,竟然连在病床上的外公也不放过,在被卖到山村之际,是他,韩应白的出现。 韩应白:女人你想去哪?你逃不过我的身边 某小淘气:我是围着你跑,又没说要逃 多年以后。 韩:跑什么不累吗?停下,夫君给你捶捶腿,揉揉肩,你在跑也不迟。 蜜爱百分百总裁轻点宠

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